Prevent member loss – boost growth – Lions Club – Distretto 108 L

Prevent member loss – boost growth

26 ottobre 2014, 15:52

by Francesco Mozzetti GMT district co-ordinator

At this moment in history, the Lions club needs to keep abreast of change and keep its ear to the ground for all things new; steps must be taken in order to refuel hope in a club which, to a great extent, has lost energy and we must all pull the stops out to build a better future. To cut it short, the Lions must strive to be on the cutting edge of change rather than succumbing to it. Technological innovation and a new set-up in order to become more effective, plan ahead and implement change so that time and energy become available for charity work; solutions must fit the problems so that shared wealth and personal rights are not misused. It is fundamental to communicate efficiently with young people who make plans for the future, but due to their lack of experience, they languish and are affected more than we are despite the fact that this is a world of digital communication. This technological world offers cold comfort to the lonely ones and social isolation is a common problem. The troubles of the youth are but a symptom of the crisis within our families which once offered a strong shoulder to its members and helped them progress culturally too.


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